I used PCB-GCode to convert the Eagle board into g-code for the CNC control software. Here is the HS-1 cutting the isolation traces. Here is 3D render and image of the board. The virtual USB software was developed by Ollopa. designed for notebook computers, special two 3.6V regulator, a perfect match to level, get rid of the instability of hardware hidden! Target board power mode jumper settings.500mA over-current protection with self-healing fuse, to protect expensive computer motherboard!.The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver, no special USB controller is needed. It simply consists of an ATMega8 and a couple of passive It’s based on the software USB implementation of AVR-CDC.

The mcu used is an ATmega8 and USB communication is done using software on AVR mcu.

There are two version of the converter, one with SMD parts and another with TH parts.
#Cnc usb controller with avr serial